For starters, the world was much larger when I was young. When I was a student, things were probably just as difficult then - as now. However, the world has become smaller - and more available. Now you can fly whereever you want, for a reasonable air fare, and most of what you want to know, is just a click away - on the internet.
Here I have chosen to stop - look back, and set up a kind of status. The last time I did this was on New Year's Eve - 1982 - on Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro - along with a million other people.
Now, from 2013 and onwards, I am engineering a new career shift. Now it is video production, 3D animation and. YouTube and and www, are my targets. Also sales and marketing of water filters towards Sweden, are on the agenda.
This is probably the closest I will get to when it comes to writing my memores - so enjoy:
There was a time when I thought that "50" was old - not to mention "60". Now I'm over thehill - past my "fresh-until-date" and the National Insurance Scheme - called a pension - has kicked in as a sponsor. I am however about to start a new career - my 4th
For the basics, I look upon education as a long-term investment. Even thouch society at large do not value it as much as I do. However - it allows me to keep developing new and powerful interests - at least that is what I believe.
Among the challenges I have had, are having to relate me to leaders who failed to use the width of a can. From my point of view - they lacked expertise, had not taken the trouble to invest in themselves. They managed not to listen.
Are you first arrived in the job you are set to serve a function - and get little chance to develop - and maintain your expertise. Starting with the first day - you start to be left behind.
Faith, projections and guesswork I leave to others. Shortcuts have been fewer, and I rely more on my intuition. I have a serious problems with the credibility of politicians, national know it alls and snap judgements and solutions. I have rid myself of my TV, allnewspapers - and produces more time - for other things.
The rest - entertainment and news - do I get from the net.
The cost to take an education - and it is not a given that you will earn it back. Expects you to it, a plumber's apprentice is better - and you can not really take back what was lost.
With 15 years as a student - and a student loan of approx USD 10.000, - this was - for me - a way of life. I have a BA from the University, is an engineer from Bergen College of Engineering and an MBA from NHH - the Norwegian collae of Business Administration.
With three degrees - one in Sciences, one in Engineering and one in economics I have defined myself as a despesialisert specialist - with a focus on the entire breadth of what has fish and sea to do.
This as opposed to taking a graduate or a PhD.
Most important - the way I see it - is my "break" in the career-restructuring-if you like. The world has not always been predictable. To emphasize this Manpower is my current work zeal, with random assignment, as unskilled.
Of income, since there is often a measure of success, I have had everything from "zero" as unemployed - an annual income of 1.2 million. It was in 1985 - when one million was still money.
What I hope to provide is an "Oi" - an "a-ha" - or "Ugh - what can I at least not to do" experiences that you can take on.
Of going abroad, I have had three years at North Cape, three years on the platform in the North Sea and one year in Rio de Janeiro.
What I have gained from this - is one answer among many - and this because I have been tainted by having been there. And - every person must, somehow - find their solutions to the questions they may have.
That I chose to study Science, started with a vision. At that time Oseanography was "The New Frontier". Jacques Cousteau, National Geographic, Bathysfers, The Marianas Trench, deep-sea fish with bizarre forms and shapes. Minerals - such as precipitations, strewn across the seabed - where it was just to hoover up the wealth - and then you had the undiscovered deposits of oil beneath the sea bed.
That this was something I wanted to be part of - was the only thing I knew!
The following revies of my professional life is devided into four parts:
- Getting into fish
- Getting out of fish and into the oil
- Getting out of oil and into fish - and
- Getting out of fish - and into computer science - and Google
- which brings us to the present.
As the flashbacks have my break in acting career most of the restructuring, and about how I have managed to adapt.
When I chose Science UiB I perceived as the world's navel when it came to Oceanography. Everything else was bullshit. We were world champions! It was Woods Hole, Scripts institute, or Lowestoft Laboratories - mm.
I did not stop to ask about this "really was the case" --
As for the "Sea" and everything to do with the ocean to do - I took every subject the university had to offer. There was much roting in spring stones at the Biological Station on Espegrend - but let go.
I had problems with pure physical oceanography - due to the math - which I really don´t like to mention
My big moment came when I got to be with the research vessel "Helland Hansen" in an oceanographic survey of the Shetland-Faroe Channel - The boat was 105 feet, had the logo of "Universitas Bergensis" on the chimney and I had "one-lugar". It was also an international team of scientists on board - from Germany, Mexico and Argentina.
Only afterwards did I know that this was one of the more stormy seas in the world. Lugar fully promote the bow, is the worst thing you can have. With the engine behind - turn, as in an a monumental pendulum, for each wave that rolled under the ship.
I have been lifted from the mattress - thrown out of bed and have had six weeks of constant nausea - sea sickness.
The Aquarium in Bergen was also new - and I could name every creature and fish - in Latin. Actually wrote the first "guide" to the aquarium. However the director of the Aquarium Gunnar Rollefsen, had also written a Guid. Guess which was published.
A new oceanographic expedition to the North Sea - 4 weeks this time, and it sealed my understanding that I was not cut out for a life on the high seas - as I was constantly sea sick.
I did, however, have a job at the Institute of Marine Research - a year of plotting of data - salinity units, temperatures, water - and the drawing of isohalines.
Finally, just before Christmas 1966 - and a Bachelor degree in my back pocket, I went up to the Fisheries Directorate and asked about the job. They kindly told me I could go home and celebrate Christmas - so they would see. Got a telegram to meet for an interview on 6 January 1967 -.
Honningsvag - which lies on the North Cape - on the 10th of January. More of a mid winter is hard to find.
However - in a tweed jacket and dark rimmed glasses - I slid into the role of a "teacher".
If this was not entirely in line with my vision, it was a "Next Best" - FISH!
I began with my Master - that would be a parasittologisk investigation of innvollsmakk in "0" and "1 -" group of small saithe
....- "0-group" found under the pier / quay in the middle of Honningsvag center.
....- "1-group" could fish on the "club skerries" just outside the entrance.
First year as a teacher was new and exciting. The second was boring and the third was a chore. I concluded that I did not fit me as a teacher.
Also, after having received a fair amount of ridicule from the "locals" - who spent their time on top of the on top of the pier - as I fished for small saithe - and after being blown out to sea so I had to be rescued by the Sea Rescue Service, I had a feeling that my research was better left to others.
The feeling was reinforced by the general weather conditions at the North Cape. In one case I was - and fired lifted by a gust of wind, blown by the way - and thrown up in a Snow. At the time the snow disappeared around June 15 - which reinforced the feeling.
Spring came - and I flew south. The triggering factor was a stopover in Ålesund. They were the girls all had beautiful tans, went in the mini skirts and I stood there in winter coat and a cap pulled well down over my ears.
There and then I decided to do something else. Three years on the Cape - interrupted by one year in the Navy, where I also completed a degree in Food Technology at the Bergen College of Engineering. So the Zoological Lab all my research material and I started on BI - Business Administration.
The experience I had with me from Honningsvag was that I could talk for 45 minutes without running out of words - then stopped it, without having more to say.
- "The field of Business Administration will suit you better,"said Professor Brinchmann, with a touch of contempt in his voice.
And so it did: At the Norwegian School of Business Administration I took Fisheries Economics and The Economies of Underdeveloped Nations as majors. I also took a one semester coarce in Philosophy - for kicks.
To finance my studies I worked part time washing floors, fetching books and as a sales clerk as the State Monopoly of Wines and Spirits.
It took me 5 years to complete my degree and a small student loan.
After I got my degree in economics - I had a problem finding work. I drove truck at a cement plant, did some teaching and some door to door selling.
After a little over a half a year - a friend gave me a helping hand and I got a job "offshore" on the oil platform Eldfisk 2 / 7 Alfa-FTP.
I was put on a helicopter and told to "survive". Offshore was not what you would call a soft job. The platform was a "jacket" that stood on the sea floor. It was a deck and a pile na containers that were stacked here and there ..
What I ended up in - was a monumental power struggle - between the American Brown & Root and the Norwegian Aker where Aker needed to position itsself in "Offshore construction work". The solution was called "Brown Aker" and with the rates that were paid - I understand why they would not let the Norwegians.
On the EldFisk oilfield Brown & Root had 3500 men - construction workers. On the Eldfisk platforms there over 800 and Aker had two. They were Sørli and Tommy Rough - and I was the third - told to survive - to open the way for other Norwegians.
To be flown out to the field was great. Experiencing its acual size was even greater.
At the time I was offshore for stretches of 21 to 32 consecutive days. Both Christmas and New Year's Eve were also spent offshore. I had a salary of NOK 230.000, - and all was well. The Managing Director of the Brown Aker had a salary of NOK 220.000,- - but he worked on land.
The work consisted of arranging for Billing - "Billing" - hours and equipment in addition to having responsibility for "Rotation of personnel, anrtsfer of personnell and Accommodations - living quarters.
The challenge lay in the fact that there were several hundred men in Norway, who had hardly seen the ocean - and that was offshore. My job was to contribute to the organization.
There were 350 people working on Eldfisk 2 / 7 Bravo "and I was Chief Timekeeper: They were Meksikanere, Spaniards, Portuguese, with American leadership and the British leadership, and I was the only Norwegian.
Among the tasks the control of progress - a very popular job - especially when the work was recorded as 90% complete - and it went up for one or the other that it's only 100%, 100%. Electric cables were stretched and white commented out that 90% fedig - while not a single hook-up was taken.
When the Norwegians finally began to alter the Eldfisk, came into the lead, then plunge the progress. "These stupid Norwegians" - was the attitude.
Administration form was aggressive and kortluntet - where all hegnet about his and his. I was sacked three times - but were sent out again. It was the one who kept a hand on me - he was called Richard Lion.
The last year I had, in addition, innkvarterngsansvaret for residential platform Alexander Kielland.
One day we were visited by the management of land - which gathered all the workers and they assured us that jobs were safe. Two days later, there were 250 men who lost their job.
Brown Aker lost the contract on Eldfisk 2 / 7 Bravo, and in March went Aleksander Kielland around. When I sat on the land.
In the period of a year I had accrued 2,500 hours of overtime. Regulations had it that I was no longer allowed to work - so I was sent to Rio de Janeiro - where my accumulated overtime did´nt count.
It was only when I discovered that I had spent 3 years in a world of blue-black ocean, gray steel, surrounded hairy men in orange overalls and green and yellow helmets that some kind of a truth hit me. There are no seasons at sea. There was no summer - winte or fall. I had missed out on something.
Brazil - What can I say. Copacabana, Ipanema and Le Bleau - some of the most famous beaches in the world. My job was to establish an accounting and a market sense light. The work would form the decision basis for Aker Engineering's continued commitment in Brazil. Had house, car, swimming pool and only challenges.
Steel Jackets we built in the middle of the jungle outside of Aracaju - right up in the northeastern part of Brazil.
Was there a place we were visited by the leadership of Norway, was in Rio. They came, disappeared, and sent us the bill.
Was there a place we were visited by the leadership of Norway, was in Rio. They came, disappeared, and sent us the bill.
Back in Norway I was set to project management and control in different projects. Again I ran the exhaustion of myself - but I thought it was funny. The price I paid was that the cat moved out, and that kaktussen died.
I was fascinated by tekstbehandlingsmaksiner and bought a CPT for the U.S.. 80.000, -. It had 64K. Printer to the U.S.. 120.000, - to write 120 characters per minute.
I started TomoText - a depreciation agency, but after spending £. 600.000, - it was only to say that people do not put away things to writing.
Luck had it that I got a job on the Norwegian Shell's "Deep Dive Project - where they should have divers down to 450 meters - and rescued my economy - for the time being.
The problem here was that I was an expendable consultant with one client - Stoltz Nielsen Seaway. When the oil crisis came - the bottom fell out of the market - and I had to find me something else to do.
I had however got myself involved in an Aquacultural Magazine called Havbruk which turned out to be on the verge of bankrupsy After going for four months without pay - I negotiated a takeover and set out to turn it around. aculture - and I was once again in fish.
The government projections were that by the year 2000 there would be over 100,000 people employed the Norwegian aquaculture industry. The billions of dollars will flow and the Norwegian coast would be safeguarded forever.
The truth was another.
What started as 1500 independent fish farms - which each employed three man-years - were reduced to one boat and one man-year per plant. Through acquisitions, bankruptcies, etc. the 1500 independent owners were reduced first to 400 - and now to a small handful of people who controll the entire industry.
When Billionair Jon Fredriksen took out his checkbook and purchased one third of the aquaculture industry for his daughters - and the State established Ceremaq - with interests both in Norway and Chile, it was no longer a need for a magazine. The targeting of mussels was a scandal and the farming of cod were not in port.
At the top we were 8 employees - had 18 Norwegian and English publications, 4, and ca. 2400 subscribers. Developments in the industry gave fewer subscribers and reduced the number of releases to 12, to 8, to 5 and finally to "0" issues a year. The latest editions contained a number of company presentations - as film - on a CD.
In recent years, as the development of concepts for the internet, trade fairs, workshops, film and corporate presentations as it was new. We organized a joint stands for seafood and equipment manufacturers in Chile, Brussels, Glasgow, Moscow and Murmansk as well as workshops in Alesund, Kristiansund, Sandnessjøen and Svolvaer, but the market was not there.
In addition, we were opposed by the Norwegian Trade Council and the Norwegian Seafood Export Council - both institutions run under the umbrella of the Norwegian State.
We attempted to focus on the more profitable things, like fairs, and organizing
data show-IT Expo in Bergen. This was the first time a trade show had been held in Norway for the last 6 years.
In the end we were two employees that produced a magazine - ran seminars and trade shows in addition to company presentations on film. A decision was made to let the company fold - and it did. I took a year off - to reorganize my thoughts.
As a small gripe - The driving force behind the Norwegian Institute of Ocean Research is that it is more preoccupied with finding fish and assessing the size of stocks - than more dynamic analysis of what is going on in the oceans. They are there to service the fishing fleet - so that it can operate more efficiently. The number of fishermen has dropped steadily, and those who are still there are better off than ever before. The industry is politically controlled - and since World War II most stocks have been over exploited. This applies specially to coastal cod and other stocks - including and lobster
Despite the importance of the oceans as one of the key issues relating to climate change and global warming, we hear little or nothing from this end. We stand for a kind of ease.
The quality of Norwegian Seafood has always been a problem. As early as the 1860s, the first fisheries exhibition in Ålesund, there were problems with the quality of Norwegian fish. Still - one to two times a year - we get reports that 60 - 70% of those of Norwegian fish in Norwegian fish drives are not suitable for human consumption.
When Google Earth launched its "Oceans" - thee was not a separate section which was fed into the system by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research. Maybe Google did´nt find the raw data and information which has been compiled over the years as worthy.
Am I bitter as to the way things have turned out? - No - quite to the contrary - The. Norwegian fishing industry does not deserve me. I have had a full career - in what was my choice. Now I rule over a set of tools - and a competence that I can build on for a new future. In addition, I am completely independent.
Al Gore won an Oscar - and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for a PowerPoint presentation. Should you choose you into the future - bet on entertainment and ways to promote a message on. This is what the world needs - not more obscure research projects on marginal species and issues - there is nothing of. --
It is published as much today - that one should look at the curriculum more as a conversation with the authors. So I have had long conversations with Bill Gates about: "Business at the Speed of Thought" and George Soros on: "The Crisis of Global Capitalism".
Now I am a full time student at "DIY University" (Which stands for Do It Yourself) - with Google and search engine optimization as my major. Most of the literature can be found on Delivery time for a title is approx. 3-4 days. Books are no linger studied - but looked upon as having a dialog with the auther.
As a professional I am a "Bedroom Entrepreneur". This means that my closets are all filled with water filters and water purifiers - which are shipped off to clients - who purchase them on the net.
The most exciting thing are my desalination units - which can turn sea water to drinking water - and that there is a market for them.
Have now moved from Bergen to Halden. Halden lies on the border to Sweden, in order to penetrate the Swedish market and exploit a gateway to Europe.
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