Conference "finn-oss.no":

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..........The program will focus on the challenges in being found on the internet
.The sessions will concentrate on how you can take advantage of the tools provided

• The program for "finn-oss.no" is designed to give you the tools to optimize in search engines,
• Provide an understanding of the power of the Web 2.0, are part of what is adressed.
• Give you an overview over the diciplines involved
• Give you contacts and service providers you can relate to
• Show you how you can save time, energy and money on your marketing.
Session 1 : Optimized in Google:
Optimizing Search Engines
• Choosing key words
• Useability
• Landing pages
• Organic search

Session 2 : Googles toolbox:
AdWords PPC
• Analytics
• Webmaster tools
• What you can and cannot do - Rewards and punishment
• Tips & triks – towards better rankings:

Session 3 - Web 2.0 - The social web
From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 - The Social Web : what is it
• The Groundswell - How do you tackle it?
• New rules for Marketing
• New arenas - YouTube, MyFace, WordPress, MySpace, SecondLife
• New tools : Blog – Vlog - Podcast
• The money you save on traditional marketing.

Prices for the seminar are not in place, will be set in october / november and will including coffee, lunch and a package for overnight stays for those who wish to stay over.

© Tomo Trading - Steintreveien 3 - 5238 Rådal - Norway
Mobil (+47) 416 73 666 - tor@tomotrading.no