.......The conference "finn-oss.no" will be held in Haugesund - Wednsday, Februay 18th - 2009
.........The conference has three sessions - with focus on the challenges in internet search: - It´s all about being found - using the internet in marketing and optimization in search engines. - There are tools which allow you to rise to these challenges - and most of them are free. - There are a whole seris of options for today´s Web 1.0 and the new social web - Web 2.0. - These are covered by the conference - both with practical case studies from the real world. • What you get is an overview over your options. • You will be able to set new demands on your self and your web developers. - You will ve able to define your priorities in an efficient manner. - • You will be able to save money on profiling and marketing. . - We will tap into our experience from running 3 internet stores. - Our exhibitors will give presentations - and advice. |
- The conference has three sessions - Covers three current themes: ....• Optimization in Google ....• Google´s tool kits ....• Web 2.0 - trends and tools We have chosen Google - because it has a 75% market share, is the leading search engine and many local search engines are "Powered by Google". What you get - is a way to to get an edge on the competition. |
High-tech visualization: The audio / visual options are state of the art, and offer the possibility for quality presentations. |
Compact Trade Show: You can meet suppliers who will help you with advice, give direction and expertise in defining the tools to use and integrating your site with your marketing efforts. |
©Tomo Trading - Steintreveien 3 - 5238 Rådal • Kontakt Tor Moltu • Mobil (47) 416 73 666 - tor@tomotrading.no |