This page is called "Time to move on"

Then times change. May 2011 started ti move from Bergen to the other side of Norway, to the town of Halden. Lies on the border to Sweden and the town of Strømstad. Typical summer resort. Have offices and warehouse in Halden and am planning a move to Strømstad in order to work the Swedish market. The products are waterfilters and skin care products. The reason is import duty which normally makes these sales difficult.
The harbour in Strømstad - summertime. Very well visited, mainly due to the prices on wine and spirits Livibng modestly in Strømstad. Minimalization is about training. Room for a computer, modem and printer.
My golf cliub in Stromstad. It has a club house, a restaurant and a pro shop Most fairways look the same - some with more hazarda and difficult than others
My offices in Halden. Warehouse, computer, modem and printer. They even have a wardrobe. My offices in Strømstad: Computer, modem, printer.end a terrace where I can enjoy a glass of wine in the evening.
"Pate sphee" - Tor Moltu