This page is "And I had one ling "stint" in offshore construction:
I spent a little over three years on an offshore installation - in the North Sea - on Eldfisk 2/7 Bravo. When I arrived - it was just a deck with a bunch of containers on it. |
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Eldfisk 2/7 Bravo - one of the installations in the Eldfisk field - just south of Ekkofisk. |
They flew us back and forth in helicopters - with the small Bell helicopters for interplatform travel - in all kinds of weather. |
As the fiield grew - they started hooking the platforms together - into centers. This was, however - after my time. Also - the weather was not always the best - but the helicopters flew. |
The costruction site was located in Aracaju - in the northern part of Brazil - in the middle of the jungle - but adjcent to a river for floating out the jackets on barges. |
I was stationed om Rio de Janeiro - and life was good - Here daughter and my "X" on the Copacabana Beach - on the one hand - and an affternoon in our pool on the other. |